Staffing & Recruitment

Finding the Perfect Fit

Your Complete Staffing Solution for Healthcare, Pharma, and Education

At Clini Launch Business Solutions, we offer comprehensive staffing and recruitment solution for the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and education sectors. Whether you need temporary staffing to bridge staffing gaps, skilled professionals for contract positions, or experienced leaders for executive roles, we have the expertise to fulfill your needs. For those seeking flexibility, we provide temporary and contractual recruitment solutions, enabling you to adapt to changing workforce needs efficiently. 

Our extensive portfolio covers a wide spectrum of roles ranging from Research and Development (R&D) and Regulatory positions to Nursing, Administrative, and Support staff. 

Leverage our deep understanding of each industry and a robust network of qualified candidates to identify the perfect fit for your organization. Our services are tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring you receive high-caliber talent whenever you want.    

We also adapt employer branding strategies to ensure a seamless and successful hiring experience. 

Let us streamline your staffing process and connect you with the top talent that drives your success. 


R&D Scientists & Associates

Highly skilled professionals for research and development roles to drive innovation and product development

Regulatory Affairs Specialists

Experts to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and streamline the approval process

Sales & Marketing Professionals

Talented individuals to boost your product's market presence and drive sales growth

Pharma Manufacturing, QA-QC Professionals

Specialists to maintain high standards of quality assurance and control in manufacturing processes


Nursing Staffing (RN, LPN, CNA & more)

Qualified nursing staff to provide exceptional patient care and support

Physicians & Allied Healthcare Professionals

Comprehensive staffing solutions for various medical and allied health roles

Healthcare Executives & Management Staff

Leaders and managers to guide healthcare facilities towards operational excellence

Support Staff

Essential personnel to ensure smooth operations and patient care in healthcare settings


Teaching Staff

Dedicated educators to foster learning and academic growth

Administrative (Principals, Deans, Registrars)

Leaders to manage and direct educational institutions effectively

Special Education Professionals

Specialists to support students with diverse learning needs

Support Staff (Counsellors & Teaching Assistants)

Professionals to provide additional support and enhance the learning environment

Healthcare, Pharma, & Education Talent Insights

Discover how we’re transforming healthcare, pharma, and education through exceptional talent solutions. Join our network for insights and expertise.

Temporary & Contract

Project-Based/Seasonal Staffing

Flexible staffing solutions for short-term or seasonal projects

Contract-to-Hire Services

Opportunities to evaluate potential employees before making permanent hiring decisions

Replacement Staffing

Immediate staffing solutions to cover temporary absences or vacancies

Executive Recruitment

Senior Leadership & Management Roles

Experienced leaders to drive organizational success and strategic growth

C-Suite Executives

Top-level executives to provide visionary leadership and strategic direction

Onboarding Support

Facilitating a smooth transition for new executives

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